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Lochgilphead Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

A court in the Sheriffdom of North Strathclyde

About the court

Lochgilphead Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court has one court room within the Police Buildings, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead. There is no public counter for the court. For all enquiries, please contact Dunoon Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court as listed below.

The court sits at Lochgilphead as follows:

  • Justice of the Peace Court on the first Tuesday of the month
  • Sheriff Court on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
image of Lochgilphead Justice of the Peace Court
Lochgilphead Justice of the Peace Court

Contact the court

For all enquiries, please contact Dunoon Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court as listed below.

Postal address

Lochgilphead Justice of the Peace Court
c/o Dunoon Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
George Street
PA23 3BQ

Location address

Lochgilphead Justice of the Peace Court
Police Buildings
Lochnell Street
PA31 8JJ


0300 7900049

Sheriff Clerk

Kim Good





Difficulty using the phone

Phone interpreter

A phone interpreter service is available when you contact a court by phone or attend in person. To access this service ask for phone interpreter and the language required.

The phone interpreter service is not available during actual court proceedings.

Text relay service

If you are deaf, have hearing loss or are speech impaired you can contact us for free with Relay UK.

British Sign Language (BSL)

If you use British Sign Language (BSL) and wish to phone us using a sign language interpreter, you can use the online video relay interpreting service. For more information see the Contact Scotland BSL website.

Opening times

There is no public counter at Lochgilphead Justice of the Peace Court. For all enquiries, please contact:

Dunoon Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Phone: 0300 7900049
Email: dunoon@scotcourts.gov.uk 

Public holidays


The full list of court closures for public holidays are laid out in the published Act of Court.

Paying a fine

To pay a fine or for information please go to paying a fine.

Paying a fine


Please use journey planner for public transportation information.

Please visit CycleStreets for details of the nearest cycle parking options.

Local buses and buses from outlying areas stop in Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead. For more information on local buses, please see bus link.

There is no rail station in Lochgilphead or surrounding area.

On street parking is free on Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead.

A taxi rank is situated outside the court building at the green in Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead (outside the public toilets).

On arrival

On arrival please make your way through the public entrance and into the court.

If you are a witness, a member of court staff or Witness Service staff will direct you to the appropriate witness room.


There are no refreshment facilities available at Lochgilphead Justice of the Peace Court.

There are several cafes located in both Lochnell Street and Argyll Street, Lochgilphead.

Sheriffdom orders

Find out about the sheriffdom guidance, information and practice notes that apply to the courts in the Sheriffdom of North Strathclyde.

Please also refer to the:

Sheriffdom orders