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Lodging Motions Online with the Sheriff Appeal Court

There are two ways to lodge a motion in the Sheriff Appeal Court. Those lodged in terms of Chapter 14 of the Sheriff Appeal Court Rules 2021 are commonly referred to as 'e-motions' while those lodged in terms of Chapter 15 are commonly known as 'written motions'.

Both e-motions and written motions can be lodged by email however there are some differences between the two types of motion.

To be able to lodge e-motions in the civil SAC a single email address must be registered with the Court by sending an email to SACmotions@scotcourts.gov.uk providing the exact name and email address which will then be included in a list which is published on this website for reference by other firms/parties.

It is important to note that due to the shortened time periods involved in Chapter 14 e-motions the email address must be checked regularly.

The main features of lodging a motion in terms of Chapter 14 are:

  • intimation and lodging of e-motions to allow the disposal of routine motions in the SAC on the date of enrolment;

  • the facility to intimate e-motions and, where required, any opposition prior to the motion being enrolled (instead of unopposed motions taking 7 days to be dealt with, they will now be dealt with in 4 days). A motion will be intimated on day 1; opposition, if appropriate, by day 3; if unopposed it will be enrolled and determined on day 4;

  • where a motion is opposed it will be dealt with on the first suitable court day after day 4;

  • interlocutors will be issued by email.

Motions received from, or intimated to, email addresses not registered on the published list will not be accepted.

In lodging a motion by email, customers accept that the appropriate fee has been incurred. For those with a credit account with the SCTS the fee will be added to the monthly invoice and payable within 14 days of the date of issue, in accordance with our terms and conditions.

Those who do not have a credit account should provide a telephone number and suitable date/time for a member of court staff to contact in order that payment can be taken over the telephone.

Anyone wishing to opt out of transacting motion business by email can make a declaration in writing to that effect to the aforesaid email address. A note of the decision to opt out of transacting motion business by email will be published on this website. Similarly please contact this office if you no longer wish your details to be included in the published list on the website. Please note the details are not automatically deleted at the end of an appeal.