Crime (International co-operation) act 2003

NOTE - with effect from 1 Sept 2023 and where the application relates to an EU Member State application the “Standard Form” which replaces the letter of request should be submitted to the court.

Form 36.2
Notice to accompany a citation being effected or document being served outside the United Kingdom
Form 36.4-A
Application for request for assistance under section 7(1) of the Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003
NOTE - with effect from 1 Sept 2023 and where the application relates to an EU Member State application, the “Standard Form” which replaces the letter of request should be submitted to the court.
Form 36.4-B
Request for assistance under section 7 of the Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003
NOTE - with effect from 1 Sept 2023 and where the application relates to an EU Member State application the “Standard Form” which replaces the letter of request should be submitted to the court.
Form 36.8-A
Warrant to cite person to proceedings before nominated court
Form 36.8-B
Postal citation to proceedings before a nominated court
Form 36.8-C
Reply slip to be completed and returned by person cited to appear before a nominated court
Form 36.8-D
Personal citation for proceedings before a nominated court
Form 36.9B
Form of warrant under section 22(1) of the Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003
Form 36.9C
Form of application for release of evidence under section 25(1) of the Crime (International Co-Operation) Act 2003

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