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Court of Session Rolls

Information on Court of Session rolls, including Daily list of business, Weekly hearings forecast and details of Calling and Wallings.

About the Court of Session Rolls

The Court of Sessions Rolls includes: Daily business, Weekly Rolls, Wallings, Callings and Notices.

Latest publication date
Note latest publication date and time for all hearings can be seen on the top of each of the Daily business and Weekly Rolls pages.

Daily business

Daily business is updated weekdays to reflect latest changes.

Weekly Rolls

The Weekly Rolls are published on Thursdays to show business for the week ahead.

12 weeks of archived copies of the weekly rolls of court, will be retained by the Keeper’s office. Anyone requiring a copy should email the Keeper’s Office keepers@scotcourts.gov.uk

Wallings and Callings

The Wallings and Callings list can be viewed up to 12 weeks in the past.


The Fixing Notice was updated on Monday 17 March 2025.

All substantive business in the Inner House i.e. hearings not dealing with procedural business as defined by Rule 37A.1(2) of the Court of Session Rules will be conducted in person, however the court may allow parties to be heard remotely on cause shown.  A party seeking a remote, or hybrid, hearing should apply to do so by motion.

Procedural hearings in the Inner House, such as leave/permission to proceed hearings, will be conducted virtually or dealt with on the basis of written submissions, however the court may allow the hearing or part thereof to be conducted in person “on cause shown”.  A party seeking an in person or hybrid procedural hearing should apply to do so by motion.

All first instance hearings in the Outer House including proofs, debates and judicial review hearings will be conducted in-person, however the court may allow parties or their witnesses to be heard remotely on cause shown.  A party seeking a remote, or hybrid, hearing should apply to do so by motion.

Procedural hearings in the Outer House, including applications for permission to proceed in judicial review petitions, and preliminary and procedural hearings in the Commercial court, will be conducted using Webex or dealt with on the basis of written submissions, however the court may allow the hearing or part thereof to be conducted in person “on cause shown”.  A party seeking an in person or hybrid procedural hearing should apply to do so by motion.

The procedure for the allocation of opposed and starred motions is as follows:

When an opposition to a motion or an automatic starred motion is lodged during term time, the Keeper’s Office will allocate the motion to call 2 days ahead from the enrolment of the opposed or starred motion.

Can all parties please ensure their respective counsel are available prior to the enrolment of any opposed or starred motion.

Parties should liaise with the Keeper’s Office in relation to the allocation of these motions. Following the allocation of the motion, the clerk will liaise with parties to agree the time the motion will call. This is to ensure an opportunity is provided for representations to be made about the format of the hearing.

All communications with the Keepers Office should be made to: keepers@scotcourts.gov.uk 

The Keeper’s office is currently fixing the following for Personal Injury Proofs and Ordinary Action Proofs:

Personal Injury 4 day Proofs

Tuesday 18 November 2025

4 day Proofs

Tuesday 19 August 2025

Personal Injury Proofs requiring more than 4 days

Tuesday 30 June 2026

Ordinary Action Proofs requiring more than 4 days

Tuesday 22 July 2025

Fixing Form

Guidance for completing Court Of Session Fixing Form

Court Of Session Fixing Form