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Solicitor emails

Motions procedure

The following agencies are provided for the purpose of transacting motion business.

Motions intimated before 1 February 2010 will be dealt with under the arrangements in existence prior to that date.

The following agent has made a declaration that they do not have suitable facilities for the purpose of transacting motion business.

  • Blacklocks

Agents' email addresses

Agent Email
A and W M Urquhart motions@urquharts.co.uk
Aberdein Considine motions@acandco.com
Addleshaw Goddard motions@addleshawgoddard.com
ADLP adean@adlp.co.uk
Allan McDougall motions@allanmcdougall.co.uk
Anderson Fyfe (Edinburgh) motions@andersonfyfe.co.uk
Anderson Strathern LLP motions@andersonstrathern.co.uk
Anderson, Ian ian.anderson@ianandersonsolicitor.co.uk
Balfour + Manson LLP PHTeam@balfour-manson.co.uk
Bannatyne Kirkwood France and Co campbelldeane@bkf.co.uk
BBM Solicitors motions@bbmsolicitors.co.uk
BCKM Solicitors office@bckm.co.uk
Beale & Company Solicitors


Bellwether Green john.bingham@bellwethergreen.com
Beveridge and Kellas o.nicoll@beveridgekellas.com
Blackadders motions@blackadders.co.uk
Blackwater Law graham.mann@blackwaterlawlimited.co.uk
Bonnar and Co Motions@bonnarandco.com
Boyd Solicitors web@boydsolicitors.co.uk
Brandon Malone & Company brandon@brandonmalone.com
Brodies LLP motions@brodies.com
Brodies LLP (Glasgow) motions@brodies.com
BTO motions@bto.co.uk
Burges Salmon LLP motions@burges-salmon.com
Burness Paull LLP motions@burnesspaull.co.uk
Agent Email
Campbell Smith, WS court@camsmith.co.uk
Cassidy's info@cassidysolicitors.co.uk
Canford Law Scotland Ltd motions@canfordlaw.co.uk
Church of Scotland Law Department lawdept@churchofscotland.org.uk
City of Edinburgh Council litigation@edinburgh.gov.uk
Civil Legal Assistance Office info@pvs.slab.org.uk
Clan Childlaw admin@clanchildlaw.org
Cloch Solicitors philip@cloch.co.uk
Clyde & Co motions@clydeco.com
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP motions@cms-cmno.com
Conway Accident Law Practice info@accidentlawscotland.com
The Court of the Lord Lyon lyonoffice@gov.scot
Currie Gilmour and Co neilcampbell@curriegilmour.co.uk
D L A Piper Scotland LLP PHClerk@dlapiper.com
DAC Beachcroft Scotland LLP motions@dacbeachcroft.com
Dallas McMillan motions@dallasmcmillan.co.uk
Davidson Chalmers Stewart LLP court@dcslegal.com
Dentons UKMEA LLP Motions.MMSUK@dentons.com
Dickson Minto interlocutors@dmws.com
Digby Brown phteam@digbybrown.co.uk
DLA Piper Scotland LLP (Glasgow) PHClerk@dlapiper.com
Drummond Miller motions@drummondmiller.co.uk
DWF LLP ph@dwf.law
Ennova Law courtmotions@ennova-law.com
Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP motions@eversheds-sutherland.com
Fairbairns fairbairns.solicitors@yahoo.co.uk
Family Law Matters Scotland  reception@flmscotland.co.uk
Flexlaw Solicitors mark.harrison@flexlaw.co.uk
Fraser Brooks and Co fraserbrooks@btconnect.com
Friends Legal motions@friends-legal.co.uk
G E Dean SSC gillian.dean@gedean.co.uk
Gibson Kerr court@gibsonkerr.co.uk 
Gildeas (Glasgow) motions@gildeas.net
Gildeas Solicitors motions@gildeas.net
Gillespie MacAndrew motions@gillespiemacandrew.co.uk
Gilson Gray court@gilsongray.co.uk
Glasgow City Council gccmotions@glasgow.gov.uk
Halliday Campbell WS lynn.mcmahon@hallidaycampbell.com
Hann and Co info@hannandco.com
Harper MacLeod motions@harpermacleod.co.uk
HBM Sayers and Giusti Martin (Glasgow) courtrunner@hbmsayers.com
HBM Sayers, Glasgow courtrunner@hbmsayers.com
Henderson and Co henderson.solicitors@virgin.net
Hennessy Bowie and Co enquiries@hennessybowie.co.uk
Horwich Farrelly motions@h-f.co.uk
Hughes Dowdall Solicitors


Hughes Walker robert.gilmour@hugheswalkerlaw.com
Ince & Co (Scotland) LLP


Jackson Boyd LLP e-motions@jacksonboyd.co.uk
Johnson Legal Solicitors  yasmin@johnsonlegal.co.uk
Kennedys scotland.motions@kennedyslaw.com
Keoghs Scotland LLP motions@keoghs.co.uk
Khan Law  motions@khanlaw.co.uk 
Lawford Kidd cofs.motions@lawfordkidd.co.uk
Ledingham Chalmers lccos@ledinghamchalmers.com
Lefevres motions@lefevres.law
Lesley A. Gray and Co Liz@lagray.co.uk
Leslie and Co SSC mail@leslieandco.co.uk
Levy and McRae  cosmotions@lemac.co.uk
Lindsays courtsession@lindsays.co.uk
Lindsays (Glasgow) courtsession@lindsays.co.uk
Livingstone Brown reception@livbrown.co.uk
Lyons Davidson motions@lyonsdavidson.co.uk
Mackinnons motions@mackinnons.com
MBM Commercial LLP motions@mbmcommercial.co.uk
MBS Solicitors ali@mbssolicitors.co.uk 
McKay and Norwell, WS mail@mckaynorwell.co.uk
Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland motions@mddus.com


Millard Law enquiries@millardlaw.co.uk
Minster Law Scotland motions@minsterlawscotland.co.uk 
Moffat and Co smoffat@kmlaw.co.uk
Morton Fraser Macroberts LLP motions@mfmac.com
MSM gwm@msmlaw.co.uk
Murray Beith Murray WS litigation@murraybeith.co.uk
NHS Central Legal Office nss.clo@nhs.scot 
Nisbets Solicitors cosmotions@nisbetssolicitors.com
Nursing and Midwifery Council NMCScotlandLitigation@nmc-uk.org
Office of the Advocate General oaglitigationmailbox@advocategeneral.gov.uk 
Oraclelaw Limited jc@oraclelaw.com
Pagan Osborne Ltd courtmail@pagan.co.uk
Patrick Wheatley wheatley.co@btconnect.com
Pinsent Masons motions@pinsentmasons.com
Pinsent Masons (Glasgow) motions@pinsentmasons.com
Plexus Law cosmotions@plexuslaw.co.uk
Pogust Goodhead scotlandmotions@pogustgoodhead.com
Proceeds of Crime Unit, Crown Office _SOCDtrainees@copfs.gov.uk
Reid Cooper info@reidcooper.co.uk
RSC Solicitors mrobertson@rscsolicitors.co.uk
Russel + Aitken (Falkirk + Alloa) court@randa-fa.co.uk
Russel + Aitken Denny LLP mail@radenny.co.uk 
Scottish Government Legal Directorate (for Lord Advocate) Court_Motions_Inbox@gov.scot
Scottish Legal Aid Board motions@slab.org.uk
Semple Fraser interlocutors@semplefraser.co.uk
Shepherd and Wedderburn motions@shepwedd.com
Shepherd and Wedderburn (Glasgow) motions@shepwedd.com
Shoosmiths edinburghcourt@shoosmiths.co.uk
SKO Family motions@sko-family.co.uk
Slater and Gordon Edinburgh.motions@slatergordon.co.uk
Stewart Legal motions@stewartlegal.co.uk
Stronachs motions@stronachs.com
Stuart and Stuart jmackenzie@stuartandstuart.co.uk
Tait Macleod, Solicitors fraser@taitmacleod.com
TC Young Wilson Terris e.motions@tcyoung.co.uk
TCH Law cases@tchlaw.co.uk 
The Court of the Lord Lyon lyonoffice@gov.scot
The Law Agency alex@the-lawagency.com
Thompsons motions@thompsons-scotland.co.uk
Thorley Stephenson admin@thorleystephenson.com
Thorntons Law LLP cofsmotions@thorntons-law.co.uk
TLT Solicitors all-edinburgh@tltsolicitors.com
Turcan Connell cofsmotions@turcanconnell.com
W. Renfrew and Co Ltd bill.renfrew@btconnect.com
Watermans Solicitors court@watermans.co.uk 
Weightmans  motions@weightmans.com
Wilson Terris and Co gknight@wilsonterris.co.uk
Womble Bond Dickinson LLP motions@wbd-uk.com 
Wright and Co donald@propertywright.com
Wright Crawford marisa@wright-crawford.co.uk
Wright Johnstone and MacKenzie motions@wjm.co.uk
Young and Partners motions@businesslaw.co.uk
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