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Media enquiries

Information for the media on how to contact the SCTS Communications team.

About media enquiries

All media enquiries are dealt with with by the SCTS Communications team.

Contact communications@scotcourts.gov.uk or phone 0131 444 3310.

Media portal

The SCTS media portal and registration scheme are for professional journalists who want to access certain criminal case information up to a week before a case calls. 

Reporters' guide

The Reporters’ Guide is designed to assist the media with court reporting.

The guide sets out the rights and responsibilities of court reporters and lists the ways in which reporters can access the information they need to report on courts and tribunals accurately, fairly and in a timely manner.

Court case information

For factual information about cases in court please contact the relevant court directly. Please note: SCTS Communications does not hold case information. 


Opinions, or judgments, are decisions made by judges in court cases. 
Please note that the judgments listed are those considered by the judiciary to be of significance because of a point of law or particular public interest. Not all judgments are published on the website. View judgments.

Contempt of court orders 

Court made orders postpone publication of reports of proceedings in listed cases.

Section 47 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 (prohibits the publication of the name, address, school or any particulars calculated to lead to the identification of any person under the age of 18 who is an accused, victim or witness in criminal proceedings. More information on SCTS Reporting Restrictions for under 18's.

A guide has also been produced for SCTS staff to assist in their dealings with the media.

Media requiring the terms of a specific order can contact one of the following:

High Court of Justiciary
Justiciary Office
Tel: 0131 240 6905

Court of Session
General Department
Tel: 0131 240 6743

For Sheriff Courts, view all locations here


Judicial matters

For enquiries about judicial matters or information about the judiciary (apart from the name of a presiding judge which can be provided by the Court) contact the communications team of the Judicial Office by emailing judicialcomms@scotcourts.gov.uk, or visit Judiciary of Scotland.


Other media contacts

Contact the communications team for all inquiries about Crown prosecutions and petition stage hearings

Tel: 0844 561 3984
Email: MediaRelations@copfs.gov.uk

Contact if you require a comment from the Faculty of Advocates in either a criminal or civil case or on a more general legal issue.

Tel: 0131 226 5071
Email: clerkoffaculty@advocates.org.uk

Contact for media queries and comments relating to the Justice portfolio and Justice Ministers of the Scottish Government.

Tel: 0131 244 2960
Email: CommunicationsJustice@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

The Law Society of Scotland can comment on a wide range of legal issues, including proposed changes to legislation in Scotland, the UK and Europe.

Tel: 0131 226 7411
Email: comms@lawscot.org.uk

The Communications branch of the Scottish Prison Service deals with queries relating to prisons including prison policy, procedures, events and incidents.

Tel: 0131 330 3606/ 3609
Email: gaolinfo@sps.gov.uk

Media issues relating to SPSA are dealt with through the corporate communications team. These include training (through the Scottish Police College), ICT, forensic services, criminal justice information and intelligence systems in addition to all of the SCDEA's activities.

Tel: 0141 435 1240/1241
Email: media@spa.pnn.police.uk

Police Scotland was formally established on 1 April 2013 and took over responsibility for policing in Scotland from the eight former police forces, the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency and the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland.

Contact Police Scotland

The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal in the UK for civil cases and for criminal cases from England, Wales and Northern Ireland but not Scotland. It also hears cases involving devolution matters in Scotland and Wales.

The Supreme Court
Parliament Square

General Enquiries: 0207 960 1500 or 1900
Email: enquiries@supremecourt.gsi.gov.uk