SCTS Business Plan 2024-25 published

Apr 10, 2024

The SCTS Business Plan 2024-25 has been published, setting out the organisation’s plans and ambitions for the coming year.

The Business Plan supports the delivery of the strategic objectives  in our Corporate Plan for 2023-26 and sets out our key business outcomes and the environment in which SCTS will operate in 2024-25. The plan represents the collective effort of teams across the organisation and was approved by the SCTS Board at its meeting on 25 March 2024.

Eric McQueen Chief Executive said:

“Over the coming year, our priorities will be driven across four key reform areas: criminal justice; civil justice; tribunals and OPG, while strengthening our underpinning corporate services. Across the justice sector everyone is having to deal with a challenging economic outlook and the journey towards net zero – continued digital innovation of our services in a way that creates a more just, accessible service and improvements to our built estate to reduce carbon output, are more important now than ever before.

“We are also looking at how best to deliver our services, given that complainers, witnesses and the accused’s experiences of the justice system can lead to further re-traumatisation. One of our key goals this year is to become a trauma informed organisation, using the Knowledge and Skills Framework for Trauma Informed Justice to enhance the awareness and ability of all our people. In addition, our four specialist evidence suites will be expanded over the course of the year, with all new services being trauma informed by design.

“I welcome publication of our business plan which sets out how we will continue to develop our people, promoting an inclusive workforce and our ambitions to embed new ways of working that will support justice now and in the future.”

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