Mainstreaming Equality Report published

Apr 27, 2017

The SCTS Mainstreaming Equality Report 2017, which includes progress on SCTS Equality Outcomes, has now been published.

The report records the hard work carried out by everyone in SCTS over the past two years to embed equality and diversity in the service and, in partnership with other organisations, within the justice system as a whole.

The report is available here.

It covers the wide range of policies, activities, initiatives and tools – including such things as e-learning packages, mental health awareness, Stonewall Scotland’s Diversity Champions Programme and the Carers Policy – that help to make the SCTS a diverse and inclusive place for its staff and service users.

The report’s Equality Outcomes section records progress made by the organisation against the SCTS Equality Outcomes published in 2015. These cover protected characteristics, ethnicity, age profiles, civic participation and services provided to court users. The protected characteristics are: age; marriage or civil partnership; disability; gender reassignment; pregnancy, maternity and breastfeeding; race; religion and belief; sex; and sexual orientation.

Public authorities have a statutory duty to publish a report on the progress made to make equality integral to their organisations.  The previous SCTS Mainstreaming Equality Report  was published on 30 April 2015 and subsequent reports must be published at intervals of no more than two years from the date of the previous report.

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